We utilize an innovative problem-solving approach that examines every parameter of the project needs. The result is a design synthesis with a high level of visual and technical quality. Our design philosophy is based upon creating a visually stimulating, humanistic architecture which is superbly functionally operational. This is achieved by means of a thorough problem-solving approach which examines every parameter of the project needs and every feasible solution option. After a process of research and analysis a design synthesis is arrived at which optimizes the human, sustainable (green), spatial fit and flow, structural and economic considerations with a high level of technical and visual quality.
This process often includes the participation of user groups which are facilitated by us. An innovative and unique architecture that is responsive to the user’s needs and their environmental context is often produced. As a result the visual images of the buildings vary greatly as a function of the regional and specific location, the use and who the users are. What is identical in JSFA buildings is the principles and process of design to achieve the goal which enhances or even beneficially changes the lives of the occupants and users.